Feast of Purim, Book of Esther and hidden messages in the text

Purim is perhaps the most joyful of all Jewish holidays. It is a holiday that affirms and celebrates survival and continuity of Jewish people throughout history. The events that led to the establishment of this holiday are described in the Book of Esther. The story of the Book of Esther take place during the time of […]


In this article I want to talk about Sukkot and its meaning for Christians. To put this in context, let me start by recalling that in the Torah, that is in the first five books of the Bible, God gave the Israelites, through Moses, seven holy days, seven feasts, to celebrate each year.   These […]

Night is coming when no one can work

The title of this message is taken from the Gospel of John 9:4, where is said: “Night is coming, when no one can work”   When we read biblical passages about the last days, one of the recurring themes in them is what some believers referred to as an image or metaphor of the night. […]